Monday, January 14, 2013

Girls Varsity Basketball January 2013

Although it ended with a bang, it was a sad night for the senior basketball players at Waialua High School, as this was their last night playing with their team. Tears were shed, but far more, there were smiles. Everyone put aside their differences and celebrated after the game. The gym was decorated with senior photos, signs, and balloons, while just outside, there was more than enough great food to eat.

As for our great cheerleaders... I'm sad to say the two new girls were there, even though they were playing in the game with two of the veterans, but only three girls showed up. This is more than disappointing. It's the end of the year; we're tired; competition's over... but they made a commitment and had a responsibility to share their school spirit and pride. As far as I know, not one called or text to let coach know they weren't going to show.

Myself, Teraisa, and Coach Aundra were on hand, but not experienced enough to make up for such shortage. At least now we know what to prepare for! That's a good thought, right?

The three cheerleaders, Aundra, and I wondered why we don't pull out all the stops for the girls team. Why aren't we dressed in uniform? Why aren't we cheering on a sideline? Why aren't we doing a half-time routine? Why aren't we doing, for just ONE NIGHT-the last game of the season-the same thing we would at each home game for the boys football and basketball teams?

We'll have to check that out. My best guess is it's about money...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Standing Back Handspring Tips

  • The standing back handspring is the basic "hard" trick that you must master before you attempt to master a back tuck, back full, Arabian full, etc.

  • Before you begin, it's good to think: fall, sit, push. You'll be falling back with a straight body, sitting (bending your legs with your butt going towards-but not to-your ankles), and pushing back while throwing your arms back to reach the floor, with your head following your arms (chin away from chest).

  • While t's true I am not an artist (I can't even draw stick figures), I do know a back handspring does NOT have a handstand in it (see first picture). Why coaches ever tell you there is, is beyond me. Do NOT do a handstand in your back handspring-it will probably hurt, as well as make you severely undercut.

  • What is undercutting (see third picture)? Basically, it's when your hands land near where your feet began, your shoulders are over your wrists, and you generally fall on your face or head and your legs come tumbling after.

  • Your back handspring should be as long as you are tall from your toes to your fingertips when they are raised up; you can lay down, stretching your arms overhead, and you'll literally see where you should begin and end. 

Back Handspring Stick Figures
Keep Arms Up By Ears and Your Shoulders Over Your Wrists While Doing Back Handspring Steps 3 - 8; Hollow Your Body After Step 5

Back Handspring Tips
Fall, Sit, Push Back - Back Handspring

Undercut Back Handspring
Are you undercutting? Remember, when you're doing a back handspring, the second half of the trick, from your hands to your feet, should travel back about half your body height.

OIA Westerns, Hawaii, Waialua Bulldogs Cheer Team

The Bulldogs took seventh place at the OIA (Oahu Interscholastic Association) Westerns, up three places from two weeks before, but not qualified by one place for the next competition. Now that we know how the competitions work, Waialua's gonna rock in 2013! 

In case you're wondering, the judges LOVED the hand-stand forward roll and the judges and the crowd loved the backwards throwing and catching of the pom-pons (Why does "pom-pom" look so much better? I'm going to use "pom-pom" from here on out because of my personal taste-if you have a problem with it... sorry.).

We're hoping to do Around-the-World next year, if you have a video or website to share that teaches the technique, leave a comment, please.